Juniper: A Physiomedicalist view

by Paul Bergner

Medical Herbalism 07-31-94 6(2): 12

“Juniper Berries are a mild stimulant and relaxant, chiefly influencing the kidneys and bladder. They are a pleasant and somewhat prompt diuretic, not usable in acute inflammation of any portion of the renal apparatus, but answering an excellent purpose in all renal congestions, aching through the back and loins, catarrh of the bladder, etc. They seem best suited to cases of retained uric acid [ed. note: gout, rheumatism]. They exert a moderate influence on the uterus and some upon the nervous peripheries at large; hence are sometimes used in sudden suppression of the menses from exposure [ed: to extreme cold], and in the peculiar and half-hysterical forms of nervousness arising under such circumstances.

...The oil is a stimulant with relaxant properties, acting as a diuretic, carminative, and emmenagogue, and used in much the same maladies as the berries. It is more stimulating than the berries and is fitted for atonic conditions of the kidneys and uterus’ but should not be employed in inflamed or even sensitive conditions. It is usually added to compounds, in the form of an essence, but may be mixed with sugar, and given in doses of from two to five drops every four hours, for obstruction of the kidney.
Copyright 2001 Paul Bergner           

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