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Female - case one - fibroids

by Chanchal cabrera

Medical Herbalism 09-30-93 5(3): 5

Mrs. W.

Mrs. W. first came to the clinic in September 1992 having been diagnosed in January 1992 with multiple fibroids ranging in size from 2.7 - 4.1 cm. diameter. She was caucasian, 42 years old and had never been pregnant. She had taken the birth control pill from 1967 -1973 but had used barrier contraception since that time. Her symptoms included progressively heavier menstrual bleeding which was now becoming quite disabling as it lasted up to a week. She also had clotting and significant cramping pain with the period. There was some mid-cycle pain and slight ovulatory bleeding and occasional metrorrhagia (irregular bleeding). There was a recent onset of dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse). She did not feel fullness or heaviness and there was no visible mass although thickening and enlargement of the uterus was palpable. She was otherwise in excellent health and exercised regularly. Her diet was quite good, mostly vegetarian with some fish. She did, however, consume a fair bit of dairy products and she drank a lot of black tea. She was taking a prescription iron supplement that was causing some constipation. Her doctor was strongly recommending a hysterectomy because Mrs. W. was not planning to have children.

My recommendations to her at this time were to reduce the consumption of dairy foods and to try not to replace them with soya products as these are also slightly oestrogenic. I also suggested a cleansing and detoxification diet and the elimination of the tea that could have been compromising liver function.



Taraxacum off. radix (dandelion root)               15 ml

Collinsonia canadensis (stone root)                   15 ml

Lamium album (archangel)                                15 ml

Achillea millefolium (yarrow)                            20 ml

Mitchella repens (squaw vine)                          15 ml

Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd’s purse)      20 ml

100 mls. X 6 weeks

sig. 5 mls. tid. a.c.


Achillea millefolium (yarrow)         25 grams

Rubus idaeus (raspberry leaf)         25 grams

Leonurus cardiaca (motherwort)    25 grams

Urtica dioica (stinging nettle)        25 grams

100 g. X 2 weeks

sig. 1 tsp. to 1 cup tid.

Six weeks later she reported that she had done a four-day fruit fast and was now eating only fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, with lots of raw foods. She had been taking psyllium seed powder and reported that the bowel movements were now regular and easy. She also reported that both of the menstrual periods since the first visit had been much improved. There was considerably less clotting and the flow was lighter. Dyspareunia had completely gone.


The tea and the tincture were repeated.

Eight weeks later she reported that the improvement in the period was continuing. At this time she had not had any metrorrhagia for several weeks and not been aware of ovulation at all. She was sticking pretty much to the diet and was avoiding tea. A recent visit to the doctor had confirmed that the uterus felt softer and smaller and he recommended another ultrasound to determine the size of the fibroids.


The tincture was repeated to be taken twice daily. The tea was repeated.

Six months later she phoned me to say that the fibroids had shrunk considerably, as determined by ultrasound and that she remained symptom-free. She was continuing to drink Red Raspberry tea daily.

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