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Hepatic - Chelidonium, curcuma, and gall bladder disease

by Jill Hoppe

Medical Herbalism 11(3):17

A 1999 German clinical trial demonstrated that extracts from celandine (Chelidonium majus) and turmeric root (Curcuma longa) have beneficial effects on upper abdominal pain due to gall bladder dysfunction. Subjects in the trial were all diagnosed with biliary dyskinesia, abnormal spasm of the gallbladder or its ducts, impairing filling or emptying, due to inflammatory disease or gall stones. For three weeks, the study analyzed the effects of Cholagogum F (Natterman) which consists of dried extracts from celandine and turmericin comparison with a placebo. Pain was reduced more rapidly during the first week in patients receiving the extract. Other complaints, such as feeling full, food intolerance, nausea, vomiting, and meteorism (swelling from gas) were also reduced in the treated group. No side effects were reported.

Niederau C, Gopfert E. The effect of chelidonium- and turmeric root extract on upper abdominal pain due to functional disorders of the biliary system. Results from a placebo-controlled double-blind study [Article in German]. Med Klin 1999 Aug 15;94(8):425-30
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