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Hepatic - Two types of liver botanicals

by Paul Bergner

Medical Herbalism 12-31-93 5(4): 4

Different treatment approaches are necessary for the sluggish, toxic liver and the damaged liver. Sluggish liver is usually caused by dietary and lifestyle factors, and they should be addressed along with the herbal formulation. A liver may become inflamed or damaged by various viral, dietary, drug, environmental (and, rarely, herbal) toxins. The distinctions between the two conditions are illustrated in the following comparison, by the late Dr. Wade Boyle, of Chelidonium majus (celandine) and Silybum marianum (milk thistle seed).

        Dueling Liver Botanicals

Chelidonium majus        Silybum marianum

liver enlarged            spleen enlarged

right side painful            right side painful

radiates to right shoulder blade    radiates to left shoulder blade

for sluggish, toxic liver        irritated/damaged liver

decreased liver enzymes        elevated liver enzymes

detoxifies liver            rebuilds liver

most effective at 9 a.m        Most effective at 9 p.m

acts quickly            acts slowly

toxic potential, short term use    non-toxic, long term use

See also “Dueling Liver Botanicals,” Medical Herbalism, VOL.4, No. 2 Summer 1992
Copyright 2001 Paul Bergner    176