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Urinary - Toxic botanicals in UTI

by Paul Bergner

Medical Herbalism 3(4):9

In case number four, Apis mellifica was added to the formula as a stimulating synergist, as was Cantharis vesicatoria in case two. Either of these formulas would have been adequate without these toxic additions. Apis is actually a tincture of honeybees, frequently used in homeopathy for symptoms of any condition with stinging, burning and swelling resembling a bee sting, It is toxic in normal doses, and should be used only in homeopathic or small doses. Cantharis is a tincture of Spanish flies. Both apis and cantharis in normal doses will create the symptoms of UTI. When given in low tincture doses, their action is thus probably homeopathic. Both remedies were used in eclectic medicine. Cantharis and related species have been used medicinally throughout the world as blistering agents.

Apis is matched to UTI with hot dry symptoms of itching, burning, and puffiness of the tissues. The Apis patient may be included to be depressed, tearful, and whining. Low-dose cantharis is stimulant and diuretic. It is used in UTI for irritation with “dribbling of urine and the teasing desire to urinate,” according to Felter. The cantharis patient may be inclined toward rage and mania. These substances are normally available only to licensed medical professionals, with good reason. The 3x or 6x homeopathics may be used by others if appropriate.
Copyright 2001 Paul Bergner    404