The Physiomedical Dispensatory by William Cook, M.D., 1869    


Honey is best when allowed to drain from the comb; pressure of the comb obtains a larger quantity, but an inferior quality.   At first it is a thin fluid, usually transparent and yellowish; but by age it slowly becomes granular, and finally gets almost like suet.  It contains saccharine materials in abundance, united with a peculiar acid principle.

This article is used largely as a table sweet, but is sometimes employed in medicine.  It is demulcent, and at the same time moderately stimulant to the respiratory mucous membranes; and also acts upon the bowels, often proving cathartic, and sometimes griping.  The principal use made of it is in combination with an infusion of sage or sumac berries or borax, for hoarseness and recent catarrhs.  It is also employed with vinegar tincture of lobelia and other expectorants, to make oxymels.

 Medical Herbalism journal and